New Bits — Haley Webb (2025)

January 31, 2021 / Haley Webb

I had the honor of shooting one of my favorite projects I’ve ever been a part of in October 2019.

Directed by my deeply talented friend, Quincy Ledbetter, Alieu is a beautiful story described as such: In a world where mankind hasn't dreamed for three decades, a driven government agent finds a young man living in the projects who has suddenly started dreaming.

You can find it streaming on BET’s website with a cable login or on Sling via BET’s channel.

I’m incredibly proud of this film, the work we did + the friends I made. I really hope you’ll give it a watch. 🖤

New Bits — Haley Webb (1) New Bits — Haley Webb (2) New Bits — Haley Webb (3)

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March 03, 2020 / Haley Webb

See you on NBC at 10/9c bbs.

New Bits — Haley Webb (4)

New Bits — Haley Webb (5)

New Bits — Haley Webb (6)

New Bits — Haley Webb (7)

New Bits — Haley Webb (8)

New Bits — Haley Webb (9)

New Bits — Haley Webb (10)

New Bits — Haley Webb (11)

New Bits — Haley Webb (12)

New Bits — Haley Webb (13)

New Bits — Haley Webb (14)

New Bits — Haley Webb (15)

New Bits — Haley Webb (16)

New Bits — Haley Webb (17)

New Bits — Haley Webb (18)

New Bits — Haley Webb (19)

New Bits — Haley Webb (20) New Bits — Haley Webb (21) New Bits — Haley Webb (22) New Bits — Haley Webb (23) New Bits — Haley Webb (24) New Bits — Haley Webb (25) New Bits — Haley Webb (26) New Bits — Haley Webb (27) New Bits — Haley Webb (28) New Bits — Haley Webb (29) New Bits — Haley Webb (30) New Bits — Haley Webb (31) New Bits — Haley Webb (32) New Bits — Haley Webb (33) New Bits — Haley Webb (34) New Bits — Haley Webb (35)

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October 19, 2019 / Haley Webb

Directed by Andrew Dominik. Starring Ana de Armas, Bobby Canavale, Adrien Brody + a little bit from yours truly. To be released on sometime in 2021. 💁🏼‍♀️

It was a joy to shoot + I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this film.

New Bits — Haley Webb (36) New Bits — Haley Webb (37) New Bits — Haley Webb (38)

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July 26, 2019 / Haley Webb

I was recently featured in a lovely online short film magazine called Short Closeup. You can read me ramble about my favorite things (making movies, Amadeus, drag queens…) here.

New Bits — Haley Webb (39)

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July 23, 2019 / Haley Webb

I am so humbled + surprised by all of the support Joyeux Noël is receiving. I did not make this film with the intention of taking it to festivals, but after being Film Shortage’s Daily Short Pick I thought I’d try to submit it to a few for fun. It has been a really beautiful ride + I’m excited to keep it going.

You can find all of the latest news about its festival entrees + where it will be screening next on its brand new glorious little website!

New Bits — Haley Webb (40)

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January 27, 2019 / Haley Webb

Written + Directed by Haley

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February 29, 2016 / Haley Webb

Well, that's fun.

New Bits — Haley Webb (41)

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December 15, 2015 / Haley Webb

Release date 2016.

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September 25, 2015 / Haley Webb

The romantic comedy I shot earlier this year is out! You can find it on your local provider's PixL Channel + they will have it up on their YouTube Channel soon.

New Bits — Haley Webb (42)

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May 06, 2015 / Haley Webb

it's been awhile since i have updated this site. this is in part because i have been working quite a bit the past year.

it was an incredibly exciting year + most of the work done then is tricklingout this year. two of the bits have already aired, those being:



i also shot a romantic comedy recently calledLetter Never Sent. it is a sweet fucking movie.

i am most proud ofSugar Mountain. i cannot wait for everyone to see it. soon. soon.

i take it back. i am equally as proud of + excited for the short film i co-wrote, star in,produced + am editing,BYoutiful, about a young DIY makeup artist named Becca.

New Bits — Haley Webb (59)


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April 30, 2014 / Haley Webb

original lyrics by neil young.

my time in alaska was one of transformation, inspiration + easily the best professional/artistic experience i've ever had.

not only was i completely in love with my character, Lauren Huxley, but i was in love with every person on the cast + crew. i flew to alaska as one woman and flew out another. i'm forever changed and realize how lucky i am. bob hoskins was right. acting is the best job in the world.

it's been hard for me to express my experience fully in words, thus i will allow neil young + my terrible hot dog style videos to do the talking for me.



oh to live on.
sugar mountain.

with the barkers
and the colored balloons.

you can't be twenty
on sugar mountain.

though you're thinking that
you're leaving there
too soon.
you're leaving there
too soon.

it's so noisy at the fair
but all your friends are there.

and the candy floss you had.

and your mother and your dad.

New Bits — Haley Webb (60)

oh to live on.
sugar mountain.

with the barkers
and the colored balloons.

you can't be twenty
on sugar mountain.

though you're thinking that
you're leaving there
too soon.
you're leaving there
too soon.

there's a girl just down the aisle
oh to turn and see her smile.

you can hear the words she wrote.

New Bits — Haley Webb (61)

as you read the hidden note.

oh to live on
sugar mountain.

with the barkers
and the colored balloons.

you can't be twenty
on sugar mountain.

though you're thinking that
you're leaving there
too soon.
you're leaving there
too soon.

now you're underneath the stairs.

and you're giving back some glares.

to the people who you met.

and it's your first cigarette.

oh to live on
sugar mountain.

with the barkers

and the colored balloons.

you can't be twenty
on sugar mountain.

though you're thinking that
you're leaving there
too soon.
you're leaving there
too soon.

now you say you're leaving home.

cause you want to be alone.

ain't it funny how you feel
when you're finding out it's real?

oh to live on
sugar mountain.

New Bits — Haley Webb (62)

with the barkers
and the colored balloons.

you can't be twenty
on sugar mountain.

though you're thinking that
you're leaving there
too soon.

you're leaving there
too soon.

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tags / sugar mountain, haley webb

February 15, 2013 / Haley Webb

New Bits — Haley Webb (63)

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February 07, 2013 / Haley Webb

New Bits — Haley Webb (64)

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February 07, 2013 / Haley Webb

New Bits — Haley Webb (65)

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New Bits — Haley Webb (2025)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5539

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.